My Qualifications

I am nationally recognized as a Board Certified Master Inspector.
We have been in business since 1999 and performed thousands of residential inspections throughout the Central Savannah River Area.
We are members in good standing of the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors. (Member #05040196)
We are licensed home inspectors in both Columbia and Richmond Counties. (Columbia County Certificate #05-533 & Richmond County Certificate #031554)
We are Roster Inspectors ( FHA & HUD Certificate#E196) certified by the Federal Housing Administration and Department of Housing & Urban Development.
Our office is certified through the International Assoc. of Certified Indoor Air Consultants (Certificate #IAC2-01-4986) to provide indoor air quality and mold testing.
Our office is both bonded & insured in all of the counties in which we work.
We successfully complete a nationally recognized comprehensive inspectors examination annually as well as an ethics and standards of practice examination.
Our office attends and studies for a minimum of twenty-five continuing education hours annually to assure all recent standards are upheld.